KR 211

Low Frequency, high power, high gain, high voltage triode. 20-26 Watts of pure class-A power.


Filament Specifications

DC/AC Voltage

10 V ± 5 %

DC/AC Current

1 A

Amplification Factor



Maximum Ratings

DC Plate Voltage

1250 V

DC Plate Current

140 mA

Plate Dissipation

100 W



Power Amplifier Class A1

DC Plate Voltage

650 V

750 V

1000 V

1250 V

DC Plate Current

90 mA

34 mA

53 mA

60 mA

Grid Voltage

-15 V

-46 V

-61 V

-80 V


4,0 mA/V

2,75 mA/V

3,15 mA/V

3,3 mA/V

Plate Resistance

3,0 KΩ

4,4 kΩ

3,8 KΩ

3,6 KΩ

Connection of the valve base - view from below